Empowering Wireless Excellence: Unrivaled Testing and Performance Insights for Your Mobile Devices.

Data Throughout:
Measurement of the achieved data rates under typical network and radio conditions in a repeatable, lab-based environment
Protocol Conformance:
Measurement of the functionality of the wireless device under typical network and radio conditions in a repeatable, lab-based environment.
Voice over LTE (VoLTE):
Measurement of the performance and quality of the voice service (control and media planes) being delivered as data flows within the LTE data bearer, Data/Mobility test systems.
Carrier Aggregation (CA):
Measurement of the capability and performance of a wireless device to combine multiple carriers scattered around the LTE spectrum to achieve wider effective bandwidths up to 100 MHz
Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Performance:
Measurement of the radiated RF performance of the device’s multiple antennas under typical network and radio conditions in a repeatable, lab-based environment.
Feature Testing:
Measurement of the performance of the wireless device under typical network and radio conditions in a repeatable, lab-based environment.
Field Interoperability Testing (FIT):
Tests the performance of wireless devices in live networks and in multiple locations to provide information as to how a wireless device behaves in real-life situations. Our field testing centers located in New Jersey, Texas, and California cover FIT testing in North America.